Book Challenges
In order to represent the diversity of thought among Lassiter High School students, it is essential that the media center’s collection contain materials representing all sides and viewpoints on public issues of a controversial nature.
Reading is a privilege and the right of every student. As you select books to read, please understand that not every book is the best choice for every student. If a book is unappealing or offensive to you in any way, please return it and select another. You, the student, know better than we, the media center staff, what reading materials Lassiter High School supports the rights to intellectual freedom granted to its users through the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. We also subscribe to the principles embodied in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read. Based on these guidelines, the Media Specialist may not censor a students’ selection of materials. It is the parent’s responsibility to discuss material selection with their child.
Although we take pride in selecting valuable materials for student and teacher use, the public may make objections to a selection. Per rule, IFBC-R, Media Programs, there is an established procedure for all complaints. Please see the
Media Specialists for more information.