Our Media Program
Our Hours: Mondays-Friday 7:15 am - 4:30pm
The Lassiter High School Media Center aims to foster a student-centered environment by providing access to tools, resources, services, and instruction that supports the curriculum and educational goals of the school.
With this mission in mind, we strive to:
offer a safe space for students of all backgrounds that encourages creativity, collaboration and active learning.
empower students to be innovative thinkers, lifelong learners, and effective and ethical users of information.
promote an interest in reading and information technology skills.
develop collaborative work relationships with educators in order to create strategies that support the curricular goals and objectives.
provide up-to-date materials across a variety of platforms to meet the personal, instructional and educational needs of students and staff.
Signing In​
All students, no matter when they visit the media center, must always sign-in by entering their student numbers at the sign-in desktop computers at the circulation desk. This does not apply to full classes.
Passes are not required before and after school, or in between classes, but all students must have passes and/or teacher permission to visit during the school day, including lunch. Students are required to have a lunch pass to be in the media center during lunch periods.
Students should eat lunch in the cafeteria prior to using the Media Center.
When ready to leave the cafeteria, sign-out a lunch pass with the teacher sitting at the cafeteria exit.
Come directly to the media center, and show your lunch pass to the media specialist at the circulation desk and leave your pass in the labeled box.
Sign in using the computer at the circulation desk
Once in the media center, you are expected to stay for the duration of that lunch period. Any food or drink items can go on the cart at the front entrance and can be picked up at the end of the lunch period.
Students are welcome to have soft conversation, but please be respectful when full classes are using the media center.
Depending on the number of classes signed up in the Media Center during the lunch hour, an individual student is not guaranteed computer usage.